One Stop Enrollment Express


Enrollment Express Dates

There are currently no Enrollment Express dates scheduled. Please check back with as dates are added as they are scheduled

A one-stop enrollment event for students to get registered for Summer and Fall classes

View course list NLC at New Braunfels course list 

Get assistance on-site with completing all the enrollment steps

Enrollment Steps:

Arrive on campus a little early to allow time to park (free parking in student lots).

Then you can head over to the Brazos Student Union for enrollment step assistance. Campus map found here:

Items to bring to assist with completing enrollment steps:

  • Sealed official transcripts, final High School, and/or most recent college.
  • Bacterial meningitis shot record (if needed) for assistance uploading.
  • 2023 Tax documents, student and/or parents if you need to visit our Financial Aid office.